Inspiration for your Winter Landscape

 In Landscaping Advice, Landscaping Tips, News

Winter Landscaping

Garden Maintenance

Winter Landscaping: It’s time to sit back on your laurels, cozy up with a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and ignore the garden, right? Well, not quite. Winter is actually a good time to plant trees and shrubs. The cooler weather and rain puts less stress on young landscaping plants and lets them get accustomed to the soil come summer. Evergreen Nursery can help you in choosing the right plants for your landscaping space and we can even plant them for you!

Adding Mulch is also important for plants during winter. Mulch acts like a blanket for your plants’ roots, keeping them warm and protected during the winter. Not only does a layer of mulch protect roots from frost, it also helps to retain moisture. Winter is another time of the year to remove dead foliage. Dead grasses, branches, vines and leaves should be cleared away from your winter landscape to get it ready for the spring growth. Contact Evergreen today for any of your landscape supplies.

Landscape Projects

The best time to undertake large landscaping projects is during the winter, because it’s the time of year you spend the least amount of time in your outdoor spaces. If you’re interested in Outdoor Rooms/ Outdoor Kitchens, Patio, or Deck construction, now is the time to get started. Make sure to Contact Evergreen for any Landscape Design or Construction needs/wants you may have!

But if you still love to entertain outside during the winter now is best time to get ready for the cold winter nights. Pizza ovens and outdoor fire pits are perfect to keep everyone cosy and warm during winter. Our awesome hardscaping team can help you out with this! Check this pizza oven that we just recently finished!

Pizza Oven outdoor kithchen

Lastly, with it getting dark so early, Outdoor lighting is another way to highlight the winter landscape. lighting walkways, trees, shrubs, grasses, and various structures gives you the warmth of light in a very cold time of the year.

Overall wrap up warm if your out in the garden and try stay dry!


Great outdoor lighting can highlight the landscaping around your deck and outdoor living space.