Landscaping Ideas: Enhance your property with a Deck

 In Landscaping Advice, Landscaping Tips, News

With winter well and truly here now is be the perfect time to start thinking about how your backyard and landscape can entice and entertain guests over the summer. One of the best additions to your property is a deck. Decks don’t just increase the quality of your family’s outdoor life – it’s also an attractive addition to your home that can help add to its resale value in the future. Decks add architectural interest to a backyard and landscape like no other feature can. Check out this outstanding deck that Evergreen have just recently constructed.

Outdoor BBQ area with a deck and lighting

The decking market has changed quite a bit over the past few years, so it can get a little confusing with all the different types of decking available. To help out, here are a few things to consider before you start:

Figuring out what you’ll use your deck for – whether it’s dining and entertaining, relaxing or occasional lounging – will help you determine how large your deck should be, and what it should feature. Probably the most important thing to take into consideration would be pricing. There are several different levels of pricing starting with chemically pressure treated boards like pine. Moving up to hardwoods like vitex or kwila and wood composite decking boards like Eco- Decking. Installation would also need to be factored in. Will it be a DIY job, or will you need to get a professional like Evergreen to come in and do the install.

Do you go for the traditional wood decking that would require regular maintenance such as regular cleaning, staining and varnish just to keep it looking like the day it was installed? Or go with a composite board that more than likely will last much longer and only requires a wash once in a while? Having the right design for your deck is also important to spark ooh’s and aww’s from your family, friends and neighbours!  This is where an experienced deck and landscape designer such as Evergreen landscapes would come in handy; experience is key!

You should also consider your existing outdoor elements, whether it’s a pool, a stunning view or a robust garden, and plan your deck accordingly. Ideally, you should also consider your backyard’s landscape – or how you might want to landscape it after you’ve built your deck. If your backyard lacks trees or other natural shade, consider a pergola or trellising to provide some protection from the sun. Once again, Evergreen are always available to offer any landscaping advice and consultation for all things Landscaping.

At the end of the day it comes down to personal preference and pricing, but would you rather save now and spend a whole lot of time, effort and money on upkeep or get a beautiful deck that you know will last and will cause you less headaches in the long run?

Don’t forget now is the perfect time to start the building of a deck so it’s all finished and ready to enjoy come summer! If you ever need any advice, design or landscape construction be sure to contact Evergreen today, we’re here to help you!

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