Sowing a New Lawn

 In Landscaping Advice, Landscaping Tips

An immaculate lawn will do wonders to improve the look of your garden and outdoor areas, and really makes a difference for homes on sale. News lawns will grow well in the warmer months (but not the heat of summer). Try March – April and August – October.

The perfect lawn requires thorough preparation and attention to maintenance.

To get your lawn in tip top shape, try these tips:

Step 1: Prepare the area

Using an application of herbicide (see pack for application details), remove all existing grass and other growth and debris from the area and dispose of appropriately.

Now is the time to ensure your lawn area is leveled to your requirements and adequate drainage is in place.

Using your Garden Fork, work through the soil to a depth of around 10cm to create a fine bed, adding topsoil where necessary to improve the soil’s quality. Apply fertilizer to the area and leave the bed to compact and settle.

Step 2: Sow seed

There are many varieties of lawn seeds on the market – choose one that will give you the right look you are after and suit the level of effort you are prepared to put into maintenance and the durability you require for your lawn’s purposes.

Before sowing, rake the surface of the soil and remove any left over growth or debris. Sow seeds as per packet instructions and rake lightly to combine seeds with soil. Roll lightly over the soil to compact and ensure successful germination. After sowing is complete, water the area well.

Step 3: Seed care

Your new lawn needs daily attention.  Keep the area moist by watering every evening. Keep people, cars and heavy objects off the lawn.

Step 4: The first cut

Once the lawn is approximately 3 cm high, it is ready for the first mow. Cut lawn to 2cm in height. After mowing, apply a second dose of fertilizer to the area, and water that evening.

Step 5: Maintenance

Reduce lawn watering to one evening per week. Continue to cut the lawn as required to a height of 2cm. Apply future doses of fertilizer once per month.

Restrain from using weed killer until the lawn is well established (approx 6 months).

Shopping List:

  • Herbicide (such as Round Up)
  • Garden Fork
  • Garden Spade
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Disposal Area
  • Fertilizer
  • Grass Seed
  • Garden Hose
  • Roller